
Orientable Dense Cyclic Infill for Anisotropic Appearance Fabrication
Xavier Chermain, Cédric Zanni, Jonàs Martínez, Pierre-Alexandre Hugron, and Sylvain Lefebvre
ACM Transactions on Graphics (Proceedings of SIGGRAPH), 2023
Importance Sampling of Glittering BSDFs based on Finite Mixture Distributions
Proceedings of the Eurographics Symposium on Rendering (EGSR), 2021
Real-Time Geometric Glint Anti-Aliasing with Normal Map Filtering
Proceedings of the Symposium on Interactive 3D Graphics and Games (I3D), 2021
Procedural Physically based BRDF for Real-Time Rendering of Glints
Computer Graphics Forum (Proceedings of Pacific Graphics), 2020
Rendu basé physique de micro-reflet
Xavier Chermain
Ph.D. Dissertation, 2019
Glint Rendering based on a Multiple-Scattering Patch BRDF
Xavier Chermain, Frédéric Claux, and Stéphane Merillou
Computer Graphics Forum (Proceedings of the Eurographics Symposium on Rendering), 2019
A Microfacet Based BRDF for the Accurate and Efficient Rendering of High Definition Specular Normal Maps
Xavier Chermain, Frédéric Claux, and Stéphane Merillou
The Visual Computer, 2018